A person who created something. Where and when did man appear on Earth: place and period of origin. The incredible story of "Lucy"

20.06.2010 - 23:27

One of the greatest mysteries of humanity is the question of where, in fact, humanity itself came from. Religion and science have been arguing about this for a very long time, but perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle. The Bible says that God created the earth, animals and man from the dust of the earth in the image of God. Darwin's theory, which we studied at school as an immutable truth, states that man descended from apes.

Why does a person need virginity?

But even during Darwin’s lifetime, his theory was subject to strong criticism, and since its appearance it has been considered just a theory, but not the ultimate truth.

There are too many unclear places in Darwin's theory - why a person has the same set of biological characteristics as monkeys - feeding their young with milk, similarity of internal organs, etc. – at the same time has higher intelligence and the ability to speak? Why does only humans have a hymen, while in the animal world females have nothing similar? And most importantly, in Darwin’s theory there is no intermediate link between Homo erectus - erect man and Homo sapiens - reasonable man.

The biblical version also does not quite fit into scientific research. Man was created in the image and likeness of God - but why does he still have so much in common with the same monkeys?

All these questions and riddles have not yet found a clear answer and have given rise to a lot of guesses and versions.


It is interesting that in the USSR, where Darwin’s theory was considered immutable like Marxism, there were its subverters - however, still within the framework of science fiction. The most popular science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev in his novel “Phaetians” put forward an interesting version about the appearance of man on Earth, using scientific facts.

For many years, astronomers have been haunted by the mystery of the planet Phaeton, of which only fragments remain. Scientists claim that only a nuclear war could destroy the planet. And Kazantsev in his novel combined both the mystery of Phaeton and the riddle of the origin of man.

According to his version, there was an intelligent civilization on Phaeton that developed before the production of nuclear weapons and space flights. Shortly before the deadly "baggage" of the Faetians destroyed their planet, several people managed to fly on a spaceship to Earth. They founded a small village here and began to establish a life.

It is interesting that one of the heroes of this book, an outstanding scientist, came to the conclusion that the Faetians would not be able to survive, raise children and preserve their species in the future if there was no influx of “fresh blood”. Therefore, he decided to go to the monkey tribe, where he became the leader and had offspring. Gradually, these monkeys and the wild Faetians, who had lost memories of their homeland, mixed into one intelligent tribe, which, although it had lost its original knowledge, was capable of thinking, communicating and developing. We must admit that this was a rather bold and interesting version for Soviet times...

Adam clone

Meanwhile, the minds of inquisitive researchers have always been occupied by the question - why in any religion - in Christianity, Islam or even in the pagan beliefs of long-gone tribes there is something in common - a certain higher being or several beings that live in the sky. He or they created people, giving them basic concepts of how to live - both everyday and moral.

Until the 21st century, it never occurred to anyone that a person could actually be created - but now, when genetic engineering has become quite commonplace, religious subjects are looked at from a new angle. What if man really was created by some powerful beings from another planet?

And what’s interesting is that modern science is already very close to proving this. According to the latest data, the human genome consists of 30-35 thousand genes. Moreover, these genes are 99% identical to those of chimpanzees. In addition, there are genes that make humans related not only to mammals, but also to invertebrates and even plants, which nevertheless proves some validity of Darwin’s theory about the evolution and kinship of different biological forms.

But the most unexpected result of the research is that modern humans have 223 genes, which no living creature on our planet has. And it is these genes that are responsible for the difference between humans and monkeys - intelligence, language, etc.

Based on these data, US scientist Zakaria Sitchin published an article entitled “The Case of Adam’s Alien Genes,” in which he claims that man was created through genetic engineering.

According to Sitchin, aliens once came to Earth from the planet Nibiru - there is an indication of it in ancient Sumerian sources. Nibiru appears close to the Sun once every four thousand years, and about 300 thousand years ago a Niberian ship landed on Earth. Sitchin suggests that the inhabitants of this planet had fairly high technology, and flew to Earth in search of minerals.

There were too few aliens, and they needed human labor. And then a monkey was caught, to which, with the help of genetic engineering, several “extra” genes were added, after which it acquired intelligence. This is how the first man, Adam, arose, and then Eve was created as a clone of Adam, but with a different set of chromosomes.

Interestingly, if you believe the Bible, these people lived for several hundred years - but we will consider this topic in a separate article.

By the way, the hymen, most likely, was “made” for Eve for a reason - the aliens suspected what the nature of a person created from a wild animal and possessing its characteristics might be - indiscriminate mating and lack of responsibility for the offspring. But the aliens probably still wanted a human society to exist on Earth, not an animal one. And they “established” virginity as a kind of restriction on sexual relations and inspired people that a woman should belong to one man.

The creators strictly instilled in their offspring these and other rules of life, and humanity began its long journey forward, guided by the precepts of the forefathers...

Cosmodrome in Egypt

At the same time, the aliens continued their exploration work and contacted their home planet. Sitchin claims that there was a space airport on the territory of Mesopotamia - with a landing field in Sippar and a control center in Nippur. It is interesting that if you draw a straight line through these cities, it will be 45 degrees to the meridian passing through Ararat, which could serve as a guide for landing.

The aliens worked, people were fruitful and multiplied, and, probably, did not quite correspond to the aliens’ ideas about a righteous life, which upset them a lot. However, in the Bible there is a mention that the sons of God had relationships with the daughters of men, which upset God - probably, there were discord and conflicts among the aliens themselves about this. And, most likely, the aliens had a certain commander, a flight director, who was responsible for the team and its morality.

And then the Great Flood happened - probably for some astronomical reasons that caused a natural disaster. The aliens knew about it in advance and warned only the righteous Noah (not forgetting to make the suggestion that the flood was a punishment for sins - so that Noah’s tribe would begin to build life according to more righteous principles), who was saved on his own .

However, the aliens themselves also survived, restored their spaceports and continued to build new ones - for example, in Egypt. But one day they nevertheless left the Earth - for one reason or another, leaving on it the creation of their own hands - an intelligent person who was forced to constantly fight with his bestial essence...

But all this does not answer the biggest mystery of the Universe. Even if aliens also created humans, who created the aliens themselves, where did intelligence even come from in the cold abysses of space?...


Now is the time when, with one click of the mouse, the Internet is ready to jump out of your pants so that you can go to its page and find out the “truth.” So let me tell you, but “Thomas is not a believer,” you can immediately check on the Internet.

Let’s begin our proof by returning to the chapter “What is God?”, where I tried to tell you that every atom is a likeness of God, and therefore it is eternal. The planets of all galaxies are filled with these atoms. Since atoms are eternal, it means they profess only Love.

The opposite of God is the Devil. According to the Bible, this is an angel who has gone crazy. So he decided that it was boring to lie for trillions and trillions of years without any relationship with each other.

What did he come up with? Since he is a Divine creation, naturally there is nothing that he does not know or cannot create. So he began to create on all the planets located at such a distance from the stars that it made it possible to create an atmosphere around these planets, under the roof of which an atomic association of H2O in liquid form could exist. Remember your childhood? They bought you a construction set with many homogeneous parts, but from these parts you assemble non-uniform figures. So the Devil began to play. To better watch his games, go online to the Antarctic continent and move towards the equator.

It is best to start this journey in January, when it is the height of summer in Antarctica. What can we see on this journey? And we will be able to see that where there is ice, the atoms continue to be in the power of God, they lie, radiating Love, there is no concern for the rest.

Now, where the ice shell has ended, and the blackness of the earth allows a snowflake to turn into a drop, we can find fungal spores, a little further, mosses, lichens... What it is? Yes, this is our Devil learning to assemble toys from construction kit parts. He realized that in order to snatch an atom from the love dope, it is necessary to expose his sides to the gentle rays of the warm sun, after which the veil falls off him, and he begins to dream. When two atoms from different minerals join together, one union is obtained. Changes atoms - others receive a commonwealth. Moving to the North, we see that the closer to the equator the vegetation, the growing season, from awakening to the formation of DNA that promotes a “new awakening,” increases due to the fact that in these places the sun constantly “walks across the horizon.” As the number of warm days increases, the vegetation cover changes, turning into grasses, shrubs, and trees.

All life on Earth begins precisely with vegetation, for only plants have been endowed by our Angel (we dare not call them the Devil) with the ability to bring atoms out of a state of love and into thought.

How does this happen? Every plant is connected by its root system to the Earth. Its DNA contains the need for minerals, which, dissolved in water, rise up the stem, or trunk, like in an elevator through capillaries. While moving, under the gentle rays of the Sun, the shell is erased from the atom, and it, inorganic (in love), turns into organic (thinking). His consciousness allows him to remember his union... but only for this season. The cold is coming and those atoms that were not included in the DNA, but were in the stem, leaf, in the ground, decay, decomposing, throughout the next year, into atoms, and only after another year, they will again strive to complete a round of life with friends.

Thus, gradually, divine Love was reborn into devilish love.

“Inorganic atom”, it is not noticeable. From him Love, like a ray from the Sun, goes into the cosmic space. The same atom that has drunk the devil's love is replaced, i.e. the straight ray of Love turns into a circle. His love begins to be divided, for example, towards those atoms with which he spent a year in the stem or leaf of a plant, alone, because with them there is something to remember and he has become completely indifferent to the atom with which he was not “friends” before.

Having completed the construction of the plant world, our angel began to create insects, animals, birds, which contributed to the reproduction of the plant world, because some DNA transferred, while others contributed to pollination.

If plants were limited to up to 20 atomic compounds, then the animal world could absorb up to 60 different atoms. When creating nature and fauna, the Angel probably had no desire to receive such things. That’s when he realized that turning Divine Love into a narcotic gave rise to the saying that they wanted the best, but it turned out as always.

Why did it happen so? Didn't the angel want this? This happened because some of the subspecies of animals soon felt that eating a leaf was pure pleasure and satiation, but having eaten the DNA of vegetation, where all the minerals are concentrated, the taste is divine and satiation is quick. This caused resentment in the plant world, and behind the resentment, embitterment, so they began to manage to hide the DNA seed, either in a hard shell, or wrapped it in thorns.

Animals that had previously received only Love from their environment began to receive negativity from the plant world. This negativity turned some individuals into “beasts”.

The Paradise created by the angel began to collapse. And here Eve was created to preserve Paradise. Eve was supposed to be God on Earth, so the Earth created her to preserve Paradise.

The Earth, Eve’s body, was made by “kneading” it with all the atoms included in the Periodic Table. Therefore, her abilities were unlimited. She could do anything, but like God, she only loved. Love emanated from her exactly like the rays emanating from the Sun. Do you understand now why Down calls the church the Man of God?

Yes, but the first man did not need either herbs or animals. He received all the necessary nutrition from the Sun, fed on solar corpuscles and air. We consisted of atoms, according to their variety, which are all in D.I. Mendeleev’s table. Remember! What kind of man was he? Introducing him to us will not be difficult...

Let's gather into this image everyone who is now being said to be an average static value. To this value we add those people living next to us, but scientists cannot explain anything intelligible to us about their abilities, and the church canonizes them, or, throwing up their hands, they say that the actions of the youth are known to God alone.

Next, we add to this image those people who lived recently and also with mysterious abilities for science and religion. Therefore, I describe this portrait, and you can complete the drawing. But I will talk about those abilities that will more clearly reveal the picture of the first person, thanks to whom we now live. Just remember that these abilities were not given by the God about whom our ears were buzzing, but by extra atoms received by a person during the period of birth, or who survived a terrible disease by our standards, or who found himself in earthly adventures. For example; struck by lightning, high voltage electric current, or in a coma. We can count thousands of such “miracle workers,” but I would like to mention only those whom the church uses to fool us.

For example! We read in the press how a girl ignites all flammable materials with her eyes. Whatever he looks at ignites. There are not many such people, but there are. These are the ones the church has been selecting and organizing the Easter show for centuries. States send planes and the fire “scatters” across countries, which millions of fooled people are waiting for.

Further! The communists declared that religion was the opium of the people. It is now our church that is raking power into its own hands, but at the beginning of the 90s, they did not have such power, so in Russia they began to show the miracle worker Alan Chumak on central television. The guy on TV blessed water for those who wanted it. For some reason, at Epiphany, they just don’t want to remember Alan? And the fact that the water becomes holy is attributed to the acts of God.

Why this deception? So deception, it's a trick. Lord, in Russia alone, how many billionaires are there and all the billions are earned through deception? Could they become one if we knew about the deception? This is already a criminal topic...

There is no point in listing all the deeds of the first people. But you should know that they could do everything, but they only did one thing? LOVED!!! It was a clot of Divine atoms, which, I repeat, included the entire periodic table.

The question will probably follow, about the expediency of this knowledge? Having understood this, it will be easier for us to understand the causes of our modern misfortunes. More precisely, you will know the instructions for your longevity and health. For the instruction is consciousness for the production of actions, according to which the body will be in the state in which the Creator intended it. For how can one live without getting sick if the Creator himself is presented to us incorrectly? And knowing that - “Man was created by God in His image and likeness!” - We also understand our “likeness” incorrectly.

So! The first people were solar people. They ate solar corpuscles, did not drink and practically did not breathe. For reference, there are now more than 30,000 such people on earth! These were creatures that had everything identical. It was impossible to distinguish them either by the pattern on the fingers or by the iris of the eyes.

They had divine abilities. These were people in the understanding of those living today - “Downs”! They moved around the Earth among the fragrant nature like a ghost. Communication with each other, with animals, birds, fish was visual. They saw everyone's thoughts; animals, insects, plants..., any grain of sand, as we now see pictures on color TV. These pictures are highlighted with a halo over the object towards which the Man turned his gaze. Due to what? Atomic vibration, together with thought, encircles this united molecular creation. Because thought is the initial stage of the body being created.

Like the first people, Wolf Grigorievich Messing could “read” and see people’s thoughts. This is done with less success by psychics, who compose pictures of what is happening “from the words” of the atoms previously present at the scene.

Horvath, Nikola Tesla, made almost all of his discoveries at the promptings of people from parallel worlds. In principle, these “hints” are all sitting in our brain, but we cannot get to them because our brain can give out everything - everything that it is capable of. And now he is only able to tell 5% of everything that is stored on his shelves of knowledge.

Everyone who was close to the first Man experienced an indescribable surge of energy, which made it possible to recover from any disease. Next to Man, the beast lost its aggression and all the herbivores rushed to surround him. Therefore, paradise territories have always been created around Man. In these territories, a peaceful environment was created. And when there is no fear in the soul, this space is filled with love.

If we now feel at the ashes of a saint how the body is filled with healthy energy, and the “saint”, unlike a mere mortal, is distinguished by the fact that in his body there are 2-4 more atoms, which allowed him to do things that are inexplicable to others. Then imagine how the animals felt if they had half as many atoms?

But the plants generally smelled fragrant, rushing to bestow Man with the smell of their flowers and the brightness of their fruits. People gave love to Nature, and Nature, in turn, gave love to Man.

Many will doubt, they say, what did non-herbivores eat? They were all orderlies, eating carrion.

The first people were all Eves! Being a derivative of the Earth, they, at its “desire,” at a certain period received fertilization, called the virgin birth in the Bible. Everything happened at the same time. Children also always appeared at the same time. Naturally, this was done in a certain historical period of time.

All this is easier to understand for a villager who knows that this year one weed grows on Earth, and next year a completely different one predominates.

In the same way, Nature regulates the number of individual animals. A lot of food grows, instead of one baby, animals get several life. This means that more people are born, more people die, more nurses are born.

Why Eve and not Adam? The Bible says that Adam gave birth to a son? Because a woman has a connection not only with the Cosmos, but she also has a connection with the Earth. This was colorfully described by Yu. Andreev in his book “Three Pillars of Health.” This connection is constant. Waves from the “tailbone” rush towards the Earth. This is why synthetics are so harmful to women. Synthetic materials block a woman's connection with the Earth. Perhaps now our outfits, male and female, will become clearer to you?

It was through this connection that permission was received from the Earth for Eve to have an immaculate conception.

Mom also gave training until a certain age, which concluded: do as I do. Soon the child set out on an independent life, which consisted of only one thing - merging with Nature.

Human life lasted for thousands of years! It could last forever, but...

Why was there no Adam? If he were, they would not be gods, but beasts. At this time there is no need to explain the differences between men and women. If the first people had differences, comparisons would immediately arise. Comparisons bred envy. If not envy, then desire, as some people do now, some sew their genitals on, while others cut them off.

The next taboo stems from the fact that modern conception occurs through fertilization. Hundreds of millions of sperm rush to the uterus, but only one reaches the goal. The losing sperm is offended and pours out negativity on the “lucky” one. This is the reason why sexual desire was called “sin”! Therefore, the first steps of a modern baby begin with such negativity that is incompatible with the beginning of the Divine path, because hundreds of millions of sperm are ejected.

But two words about PARADISE itself. Heaven, think about it, is not a place, but a state of mind. This state was formed around Eve. The Earth is huge in relation to Eve. The Earth also has the entire periodic table in its body, all the atoms, but scattered, while Eve had them collected. Like letters of the alphabet, from which you can compose any text, perform any action, and there was only one “action” - LOVE! Animals and vegetation became infected with Love from her. Life flowed in Love.

What happened that Eve was expelled from paradise? You will learn about this in the next chapter:-


The matrix theory has recently become very popular. Its essence is that our entire world is just a simulation, a computer model developed by some advanced “programmers” or artificial intelligence in general... And it’s not yellow press journalists or science fiction writers who talk about this, but quite respectable researchers.

Meet Neurolace

Last September, Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML) said in a note to clients that the likelihood that our world is the result of a computer simulation is approximately 20-50%.
Trying to substantiate its assessment of the situation, BAML refers to the concept put forward by the famous scientist and entrepreneur, head of SpaceX and Tesla corporations Elon Musk. At the June Code Conference dedicated to the IT industry, he spoke about the directions of development of artificial intelligence.
Thus, Majek suggested that in the foreseeable future people will begin to interact with electronic interfaces through neurolace - a special layer implanted directly into the cerebral cortex.
Neurolace will allow people to process large amounts of data at enormous speed. One of its first prototypes was created in 2015, when American researchers successfully managed to implant such a system into the brains of mice.
But if people have already managed to create neuro-lace, then why not assume that it was invented even earlier, because, as they say, everything new is well forgotten old?

Guided Memories

It is known that our brain is able to repress some memories, especially traumatic ones, into the subconscious. A recent scientific experiment showed that with the help of certain drugs it is possible to block the production of the protein PKMzeta, which is responsible for storing memories in the so-called long-term memory. The same effect can be achieved using suggestion and computer simulation technologies.

The phenomenon of so-called false memories has long been known. Thus, former South African President Nelson Mandela died on December 5, 2013. That same day, literally millions of queries appeared on Internet search engines asking whether the information about Mandela's death was true. It turned out that a huge number of Internet users were convinced that the former African leader died in prison back in the 60s or 70s of the last century!
In fact, the famous anti-apartheid fighter was indeed arrested in 1962 and spent many years behind bars. But in 1990 he was released, and in May 1994, Mandela was elected president of South Africa, becoming the country's first black leader. He was in power for five whole years. But people in different parts of the globe believed that he had long since died in dungeons... They even thought that they had read and heard about it in the news.
After this, the term “Mandela effect” even appeared, implying the emergence in a large group of people of memories that do not correspond to the real state of affairs, and relate, for example, to well-known historical events.
Here's another example. For some reason, most people believe that Adolf Hitler had brown eyes, and despite this, he fought for the purity of the Aryan race, and a true Aryan should have blue eyes.
Meanwhile, everyone who personally knew Hitler testified that his eyes were blue. There is even a color photograph in which the color of the Fuhrer's eyes is clearly visible - it is blue!
There are many such myths. Let's say there are people who are convinced that the Americans landed on the Moon only three times (although Wikipedia clearly states that there were six landings). Some believe that former US President Ronald Reagan died shortly after finishing his term in office, when in fact he died in 2004 at the age of 93 from pneumonia due to Alzheimer's disease. Many have no doubt that Mother Teresa has long been canonized, although her canonization occurred only in September 2016.
There are people who are sure that there are 51 or 52 states in the USA (although there are exactly 50 of them).
There are many examples of the “Mandela effect” here in Russia. Thus, there is a myth that Alaska was sold to the Americans by Catherine II, although in fact this event occurred during the reign of Emperor Alexander II. Most Russians, when asked who wrote the poem “The Prisoner,” which begins with the words: “I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon...”, will confidently answer that it is Lermontov, while its author is Pushkin!
Thousands of Russians who were children during the Soviet years “remember” how a very scary film based on Hauff’s fairy tale “Dwarf Nose” was released in the mid-1980s. But later it was not possible to find out what kind of film it was. None of the three film adaptations that were shown on Soviet television at that time (1953, 1970 and 1978) turned out to be “the one.” Some enthusiasts even tried to find a copy of the “creepy film” in film archives, but never found it...
On December 31, 1999, Yeltsin, announcing his resignation, allegedly said the phrase: “I’m tired, I’m leaving.” She then became winged. But in fact, Boris Nikolaevich did not say anything about fatigue. He only said, “I’m leaving.”
There is an absolutely fantastic hypothesis that false memories are the result of memories of parallel lives. That is, a person moves from one reality to another, parallel one, and there events proceed a little differently.
Recently, a team of psychologists from the University of Warwick (UK) found that it is possible to artificially form erroneous memories in people, and most will be convinced of their truth.

Yeltsin never said: "I'm tired"

423 volunteers were told about a fictitious event they supposedly experienced in childhood. Most often it was about schoolchildren playing a prank on a teacher or about participating in some public event. Subjects were then asked to imagine the story in detail. Finally, they were given a test in which they had to distinguish false memories from genuine ones. As a result, 30.5% declared the “implanted” memories to be real. Another 23% said such events actually took place, but the details were different.
In another experiment, people were convinced that they had committed some kind of crime in the past. And the subjects were subsequently able to describe the process of committing a crime in great detail.
If our reality is indeed the result of a simulation, then memories can also be modified by changing a computer program? Why not?

In the world of "phantoms"

Now, says Majek, there are already video games with elements of augmented reality - take the same Pokemon... There are technologies that help “superimpose” virtual reality onto the real one.
Sooner or later, virtual reality will completely merge with the real one. But if humanity was able to create virtual reality systems of this level, then where is the guarantee that we are no longer inside such systems?
Perhaps our world is a model of the world of our ancestors, which was created by our distant descendants? Is our reality what it looked like in the “real” world many years ago?
It is also possible that even our physical body is just a virtual illusion and we exist in the form of wave “phantoms”. Hence the theory about the rebirth of souls: each “phantom” has a program according to which it lives for a certain amount of time, and then “dies” and is reborn in a new virtual shell. For each of us this will mean a new “life”-reality.
Elon Majek hopes that we really live in a simulation - if it were otherwise, humanity could have perished long ago as a result of some global cataclysm:
- Either we create simulators indistinguishable from reality, or civilization will cease to exist.
It is not clear why Bank of America Merrill Lynch clients need all this information. Perhaps so they can decide how best to invest their money given that our future is virtual? However, like the present and the past...

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution tells us when man appeared on Earth. This point of view is generally accepted among scientific researchers. Previously, people could not say for sure who created man. For thousands of years it was believed that humanity is the work of the gods, but the answer to the question of who created man is evolution.

In contact with

First representatives

Man appeared in ancient times in a completely different way from the way we can observe him now. The very first representative of our species did not look more like a monkey than a modern representative of human society. Some researchers believe that The first man was Australopithecus. Many criticize such assumptions, since he is really more similar to the lower class of primates. The next developmental milestone after Australopithecus was Homo habilis or “handy man.”

He walked on two legs and had a relatively upright posture. These people created the first tools to use them to obtain food and build housing. Modern archaeological discoveries have made it possible to establish the most accurate date when Homo habilis appeared on Earth. This happened approximately 2.6 million years ago.

Attention! The first representatives of our species on Earth were relatively short in stature. If now the average height of the average person is about 1.7 meters, then a skilled person was no higher than 1.2 meters.

Place of residence

Researchers are trying to determine where did the first settlement appear? of people. For many years it was believed that the human race originated in Western Europe.

The main reason for this is the theory of Eurocentrism, which said that it was on the territory of Europe that powerful civilizations were created, and it was from here that progress began.

In the second half of the twentieth century, archaeologists found the remains of that same Homo habilis in the territory of modern Tanzania, the so-called Afar Triangle.

It was there that key discoveries were made that shed light on the origins of humanity. Archaeologists found tools made of stone next to human bones, which could well serve as good tools. tool for obtaining food.

In 1960, few people had any doubts. Archaeological finds also made it clear how man developed, how the volume of his brain increased over time and intellectual activity improved.

As for the classification by period, the origin of humanity should be dated to the Cenozoic era, which began 65 million years ago. This period is referred to as the “era of new life,” because it started immediately after the fall of a huge meteorite, which destroyed the dinosaurs and most of life on the planet.

Process of evolution

We learned where man came from and what the very first man on earth was called, but the evolution of our species did not stop there - even more amazing changes were to come.

Homo ergaster

Approximately 1.8 million years ago, homo habilis evolved into a working person, that is, homo ergaster. The brain size of this species is significantly larger than homo habilis. Scientists believe that it was homo ergaster who acquired the ability to use spoken language.

Near the skeletons of Homo ergaster, archaeologists found traces of the first fire pits. Therefore, it is This species began to make fire for the first time. In addition, a working man invented a chopper.

Homo ergaster began to hunt animals more often, and until that moment the first people on Earth were more likely to be gatherers and scavengers. A fairly high level of intelligence allowed them to gather in groups that began to go hunting - this significantly increased the chances of survival and a successful ending.

Homo erectus

A previous species of man began to colonize the planet. From Africa, the first people on Earth went to Western Europe and Asia. It was in the Far East that the remains of the next stage in the development of the human race were found - homo erectus or erectus.

At this stage of human development, its typical representative had an average height of 1.4 m. Homo erectus no longer slouched, and walked straight. Still in use stone tools. People collected roots and plants, hunted medium and small game.

Since man in ancient times could not defend himself alone, erectuses began to gather into fairly large ancestral communities, which numbered several dozen people. Erectus were also the first to cook meat over a fire. At this stage of development, during periods of famine, people resorted to cannibalism.

For the first time, the beginnings of a relationship appeared between erectuses, reminiscent of a permanent married couple, but promiscuous sexual intercourse took advantage. Archaeological finds have also confirmed that erectus cared for wounded tribesmen and understood the medicinal properties of herbs.

Important! Perhaps even then there appeared people who were called shamans or healers.

Development of thinking

For a long time it was believed that Homo sapiens was the ancestor of Neanderthals.

However, research of the 20th century proved that Neanderthal man was a dead-end branch of development in Western Europe, and homo sapiens came from Africa. Moreover, it was he who exterminated and assimilated the Neanderthals.

Archaeologists have found that the first people with the rudiments of reason appeared approximately 350-250 thousand years ago.

Initially, homo sapiens were nomads and gatherers, and only 15 thousand years ago they began:

  • master agriculture,
  • make tools from bone,
  • build permanent homes,
  • establish small permanent settlements,
  • to sew clothes,
  • draw on cave walls.

10 thousand years ago, people communicated using speech, and gestures and facial expressions faded into the background.

At this stage of development, people first became create families and get married. The development of agriculture made it possible to preserve part of the production, which made possible the emergence of classes, power and the ability to survive in unfavorable times.

Homo sapiens domesticated animals, which gave impetus to the development of cattle breeding. This also made it easier to get food - there was no need to spend a huge amount of time and effort on hunting. At that time, trade arose between the tribes: some offered skins, while others offered beautiful shells or fish.

10 thousand years ago homo sapiens began to build cities, invented the first languages ​​and built civilizations in the Middle East, North Africa, India, and Latin America.

We traced how man developed throughout the entire period of evolution, where the first people appeared 2.5 million years ago, and how the evolutionary process continued, which continues to this day.

Modern scientific achievements have refuted the theory of the divine origin of man and strengthened the position of Darwinism. People, before becoming what they are now, have come a long way of evolution - from ape-like creatures to modern man of the information age.

In what period did the first people appear?

Stages of development of Homo sapiens on Earth


The first man appeared on the African continent, its homeland was the territory of modern Tanzania . Archaeologists call this region the Afar Triangle or “the cradle of humanity.” From Africa, small tribes of people began to settle throughout the planet, conquering Europe, Asia, and then Australia and America.

Until now, the origin of man remains a mystery to scientists. Darwin's popular theory has a large number of unproven assumptions and weaknesses.

Due to the absence of some transitional links in the evolutionary chain, scientific minds around the world have been arguing about the origins of man for decades. There are no problems with explanations only for supporters of other theories - from mythological and fantastic to alien and mystical.

How have people explained their origins since ancient times? Let's try to remember the main versions of our appearance on planet Earth...

The main versions of the origin of man


Totemism is considered one of the most ancient mythological ideas and is considered the first form of awareness of the human collective, as well as its place in nature. Totemism taught that each group of people had its own ancestor - a totemic animal or plant, a totem. For example, if a raven serves as a totem, then it is the actual progenitor of the clan, and each raven is a relative. In this case, the totem animal is only a patron, but is not deified, unlike later creationism.


The mythological version includes the ancient Greek version about the origin of man from androgynes - the first people who combined the characteristics of both sexes. Plato in his dialogue "Symposium" describes them as beings with a spherical body, whose back was not different from the chest, with four arms and legs and two identical faces on the head.

Model Andrej Pejic

According to legend, our ancestors were not inferior to the titans in strength and skill. Having become proud, they decided to overthrow the Olympians, for which they were cut in half by Zeus. This reduced their strength and self-confidence by half.

Androgyny is not only present in Greek mythology. The idea that man and woman were originally one is close to many world religions. Thus, one of the Talmudic interpretations of the first chapters of the Book of Genesis says that Adam was created androgynous.

Abraham before the sacrifice of his son

Abrahamic tradition

Three monotheistic religions go back to the Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity, Islam, which originate in the legend of Abraham, who was the patriarch of several Semitic tribes and the first person to believe in one Lord God. They are also called “revelation religions” because the teaching is based on Revelation, in the words of Alexander Men, “the self-revelation of the Divine and His proclamation of His will to man.”

According to the Abrahamic tradition, the world was created by God - the Existent One from Nothingness, literally “out of nothing.” God created the man Adam from the dust of the earth “in our image and likeness” so that man would be truly good. It is worth noting that both the Bible and the Koran mention the creation of man more than once. For example, in the Bible about the creation of Adam, it first says in chapter 1 that God created man “out of nothing in his own image and likeness,” and in chapter 2 that he created him from dust (dust).

Statue of Lord Shiva in Murudeshwar


Hinduism has at least five versions of the creation of the world and man, respectively. In Brahmanism, for example, the creator of the world is the god Brahma (in later versions identified with Vishnu and the Vedic deity Prajapati), who emerged from a golden egg floating in the world's oceans. He grew up and sacrificed himself, creating from his hair, skin, meat, bones and fat the five elements of the world - earth, water, air, fire, ether - and the five steps of the sacrificial altar. From it other gods, people and other living beings were created. Thus, in Brahmanism, by making sacrifices, people recreate Brahma.

But according to the Vedas - the ancient sacred scripture of Hinduism, the creation of the world and man is shrouded in darkness: “Who truly knows, who will proclaim here. Where did this creation come from, where did it come from? Further, the gods (appeared) through the creation of this (world). So who knows where it came from?”


According to Kabbalistic teaching, the creator Ein Sof created a soul that received the name Adam Rishon - “the first man.” It was a construct consisting of many individual desires interconnected like the cells of our body. All desires were in harmony, since initially each of them had a desire to support each other. However, being on the highest spiritual level, similar to the creator, Adam took on enormous spiritual light, which is equivalent to the “forbidden fruit” in Christianity.

Unable to achieve the goal of creation with this one action, the primary soul split into 600 thousand parts and each of them into many more parts. All of them are now in the souls of people. Through many circuits they must carry out a “correction” and reassemble into a common spiritual complex, also called Adam. In other words, after the “breaking” or the Fall, all these human particles are not equal to each other. But, returning to their original state, they again reach the same level, where they are all equal.

Evolutionary creationism

As science developed, creationists had to compromise with natural science concepts. The intermediate stage between the theory of creation and Darwinism was “theistic evolutionism.” Evolutionary theologians do not reject evolution, but consider it to be a tool in the hands of a creator God. Simply put, God created the “material” for the emergence of man - the genus Homo and launched the process of evolution. The result is a modern man.

An important point of evolutionary creationism is that although the body changed, the human spirit remained unchanged. This is precisely the position the Vatican has officially held since the time of Pope John Paul II (1995): “God created an ape-like creature, putting in him an immortal soul.” In classical creationism, man has not changed in body or soul since creation.

"Theory of Ancient Cosmonauts"

In the 20th century, there was a popular version about the extraterrestrial origin of man. One of the founders of the idea of ​​paleocontact in the 1920s was Tsiolkovsky, who announced the possibility of aliens visiting the Earth. According to the theory of paleocontact, once in the distant past, around the Stone Age, aliens visited the Earth for some business. Either they were interested in the colonization of exoplanets, or the resources of the Earth, or this was their transfer base, but one way or another, part of their descendants settled on Earth. They may have even mixed with the local genus Homo, and modern humans are a cross between an alien life form and the aborigines of Earth.

The main arguments on which supporters of this theory rely are the complexity of the technologies used in the construction of ancient monuments, as well as geoglyphs, petroglyphs and other drawings of the ancient world, which allegedly depict alien ships and people in spacesuits. Mates Agres, one of the founders of the paleovisit theory, even argued that the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed not by God's wrath, but by a nuclear explosion.


The famous postulate that man descended from apes is usually attributed to Charles Darwin, although the scientist himself, remembering the fate of his predecessor Georges Louis Buffon, who was ridiculed at the end of the 18th century for such ideas, cautiously stated that humans and apes must have some kind of common ancestor, ape-like creature.

According to Darwin himself, the genus Homo originated about 3.5 million years ago in Africa. This was not yet our fellow tribesman Homo Sapiens, whose age today is dated back to approximately 200 thousand years, but the first representative of the genus Homo - an ape, a hominid. In the course of evolution, he began to walk on two legs, use his hands as tools, he began to have progressive brain transformations, articulate speech and sociality. Well, the cause of evolution, like all other species, was natural selection, and not God’s plan.

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