What is the indefinite form of the verb and what is its role. What questions does the indefinite form of the verb answer: rule Let's look for the indefinite form

It would seem, what a simple thing! But this linguistic phenomenon also has its own characteristics and even "pitfalls", which will be discussed later in this article.

Brief description of the infinitive in Russian

An infinitive verb is what we see written in a dictionary entry. It has no mood, person, number, time, that is, it does not change depending on who performs the action, since there is simply no such subject. However, such a verb still has some features - aspect (perfect or imperfect) and conjugation (first or second). In addition, it is characterized by recurrence or irreversibility, as well as transitivity or intransitivity.

How to understand that the verb is in the infinitive

To determine that a given form of an action word is in fact an infinitive, you need to ask questions of the indefinite form of the verb to it. These include: " what to do?' (for example, 'read' or 'talk') or ' what to do?" (for example, "gift" or "drink"). If the verb answers them, then it is in the initial form.

In addition, there are always suffixes in: -t-, -ti-, -ch-, -st- and -sti-. It is worth noting that some linguists argue that these are the endings of indefinite verbs, since this morpheme is subject to change. However, the controversy has not subsided so far.

What is the indefinite form of the verb used for?

The Russian language is rich enough in various possibilities of using the infinitive. The indefinite form of a verb can be a subject, a predicate, a definition, an object in a sentence, and also be an integral part of the verbal predicate, express the imperative mood or the future tense. Next, we will consider each of these cases in more detail with examples.

Specific syntactic roles of the verb in the initial form

So, a verb in an indefinite form is a subject if it is somehow characterized. For example:

  • Drawing was the meaning of his life.
  • Being a mother is the meaning of Svetlana's life.

In these proposals paint" And " to be (mother)» are subject, as they are separate, independent actions.

In addition, a sentence can contain two infinitives, one of which characterizes the other:

  • To live means to love.

Then here" live" is the subject, and " be in love"- predicate. The member of the sentence is determined in this case easily: the subject goes before the predicate. Also instead of " Means" can be a dash or the words " this", "is» and the like.

An infinitive can be a definition if it is in this form, for example:

  • He went to bed determined to read a book tomorrow.

It turns out that the verb "read" here answers the question "what kind?" With what decision did he go to bed? Read (tomorrow a book). That is, a verb of an indefinite form is a definition if it refers to a noun, which means necessity, decision, desire, expression of will, and the like.

The indefinite form of the verb is also an object if, for example, it is used in such a phrase:

  • Dad asked Lena to pick up the pencil.

That is, the verb "asked" here has a full-fledged lexical meaning. Both verbs refer to different people (" asked"to dad, and" raise"- to Lena).

The infinitive is an integral part of the verbal predicate if used with a verb that denotes the beginning, continuation or completion of an action, that is, it has an auxiliary meaning. For example:

  • The puppy quickly began to fall asleep.
  • The teacher continued teaching.

"Began" And " continued" are just such verbs, therefore " fall asleep" And " lead" will be parts of the predicate.

The infinitive expresses the imperative when used in a commanding tone. For example, a squad leader might order: Be silent!", and the captain of the ship shout:" All hands on deck!»

The initial form of the verb expresses the future tense in sentences like this:

  • Yes, Ivan should not be a pilot!

That is, it must contain a certain shade of annoyance or regret.

Common spelling mistakes

In most cases, an infinitive verb is an easy thing to spell, but sometimes people get confused. This happens when the verb is reflexive. The soft sign in front of the suffix is ​​simply forgotten - Xia-, so it turns out that the verb is in the third person and singular. And sometimes it makes it very difficult to understand when reading.

In order to avoid mistakes and correctly write suffixes (or the endings of indefinite verbs), you need to mentally ask them questions every time: “h what to do?"or" h then do?» If the verb clearly answers exactly to them, it is necessary to put a soft sign. For example, in the last word in the sentence " Petya is going to sleep tonight" put a soft sign, because Peter going what to do? Get enough sleep.

Thus, the indefinite form verb is a rather interesting and important part of the language that can be used in different cases, the main thing is to learn them well.

A selection of rules: verb (definition, signs, indefinite form of the verb, aspect, conjugation, transitive and non-transitive verbs, reflexivity of the verb, mood, tense, orthograms, morphological analysis).

Verb- this is an independent part of speech that denotes the action or state of an object and answers questions what to do? what to do? and others (go, take, praise, do).


1. Permanent:

  • view (perfect / imperfect);
  • conjugation I or II ;
  • transitivity (transitive/intransitive);
  • recurrence (verbs without -SYA are not used).

2. Fickle

  • mood(indicative, conditional, imperative);
  • number(the only thing( I'm going, I'm going, I'm going), plural ( let's go, let's go, let's go);
  • time(past, present, future);
  • genus(male, female, middle);
  • face(first, second, third);
  • recurrence(verbs with reflexive and non-reflexive forms).


indefinite form is the initial form of the verb.

Verbs in an indefinite form answer the questions what to do? what to do?, ending in -TI, -TH or -CH, do not have signs of time, number, person and gender ( go, bake, cut).

Verb type

In Russian, verbs can be of two types: perfect and imperfect.

  • perfect view what to do? and denote an already completed action or an action at the initial stage of execution ( solve, read, sing, sing);
  • imperfect species- verbs answer questions what to do? (decide, read, sing, sing).


  • Only the imperfectd: fawn, call to each other, exchange fire, glance, whistle, sow, cough, condemn, belong, roam, regret.
  • Only perfect look: burst, interrogate, thunder, walk, make noise, find yourself, spoil, run, lie down, water, dream, need, hold back, think, sit, gush.

Conjugation of verbs

Verbs can be conjugated, that is, they can change in person and number.

There are 2 verb conjugations:

I conjugation -ET, -AT, -OT, -UT, -YAT, -YET -UT, -UT (sing, hide, prick, pull, winnow, wash);

II conjugation- verbs in the indefinite form end in -IT; in the 3rd person pl. hours end in -AT, -YAT (carry, saw, spend).


  • These verbs belong to the I conjugation: shave, lay, build up, swell.
  • These verbs belong to the II conjugation: drive, breathe, hold, depend, hear, see, hate, endure, twirl, offend, look.

Way of determining verb conjugation

  • If personal ending percussion, then we determine by the personal ending:
    1. If -U / -YU, -YOSH, -YOT, -YOM, -YOTE, -UT / -YUT, then this is the I conjugation.
    2. If -U / -YU, -ISH, -IT, -IM, -ITE, -AT / -YAT, then this is the II conjugation.
  • If personal ending unstressed, then we define in indefinite form
    1. If the indefinite form ends in -IT(except to shave, lay), if it is one of the 7 verbs in -ET(look, see, depend, hate, endure, twirl, offend) if it is one of the 4 verbs in -AT(hear, drive, breathe, hold), then this is the II conjugation.
    2. All other verbs with unstressed personal endings belong to the I conjugation.


Verbs want to run are classified as heterogeneous.

Transitive and intransitive verbs

Verbs in Russian are transitive and intransitive.

  • transitional- denote an action that passes to any object denoted by a noun, in the accusative case without a preposition (if the action passes to a part of the object, the accusative case is replaced by the genitive) - see off sister, chop birch, read a book, sew a suit, drink milk.
  • intransitive- denote an action that does not transfer to other objects (verbs with the suffix -SYA- intransitive) - walk in the garden, rush to the train, play sports, swim in the sea.

Reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs- This intransitive verbs with suffix -SYA.

Many verbs in Russian have reflexive and non-reflexive forms: wash(s), fight(s), roll(s), wash(s), knock(s), bend(s).

Some verbs without -SYA not used: laugh, hope, try, fear, be proud, doubt.

verb mood

There are three moods of the verb in Russian: indicative, subjunctive (conditional) and imperative.

  • indicative denotes an action that has happened, is happening, or will happen (I slept, I sleep, I will sleep).
  • subjunctive (conditional) mood- denotes an action desired or possible, formed using the past tense of the verb and particle WOULD (I would write, you would come).
  • imperative- denotes an impulse to action, an order, a request ( bring, stand, rise).

verb tense

Verbs change by tense (only in the indicative mood). Allocate the present, past and future (simple and compound) tenses of the verb.

  • Past tense refers to actions that have already been completed by the time of speaking. Answer questions: what did you do? what did you do? what did it do? what they were doing?

Change by gender and number: I/he walked. (m. r., units); You/she walked. (female r., singular); It was going. (cf. rub., units); We/you/they were walking. (plural).

  • present tense refers to actions that are taking place at the moment of speaking. Answer questions: what do i do? What are you doing? what is he doing? what do we do? what you are doing? what do they do?

(I am going. (1 lit., singular); You are going. (2 lit., singular); He / she is coming. (3 lit., singular); We are going. (1 l., pl.); You are going. (2 l., pl.); They are coming. (3 l., pl.)).

  • Future refers to actions that will happen in the future. Answer questions: what will I do? what will you do? what will he do? What will we do? what will you do? what will they do?

Change in persons and numbers:(I will go. (1 l., singular); You will go. (2 l., singular); He / she / it will go. (3 l., singular); We will go. (1 lit., pl.); You will go. (2 lit., pl.); They will go. (3 lit., pl.)).

Forms of the future tense

  • simple(from perfective verbs: see, see, see, see, see, see).
  • complex(from imperfective verbs: I will read, I will read, I will read, I will read, I will read, I will read).

Spelling NOT with verbs


NOT always with verbs spelled separately (Don't sleep! He was not afraid to go into the forest.).


Verbs that do not NOT not used: to be indignant, to be perplexed, to hate, to be unhappy, to be unwell.

Spelling -TSYA and -TSYA


To find out, spelled by the verb -TSA or -THAT, you need to ask a question. For questions what to do? / what to do? spelled -THAT, and for questions what does it do? / what will it do? spelled -TSA.

  • What to do? swim, laugh, mess around, be lazy, learn.
  • What is he doing?bathes, laughs, fusses, is lazy, studies.

Soft sign b in verb forms

ь is written

  • In the infinitive (indefinite form) ( wash, bake, write, want).
  • In the endings of 2 liters. units h. present or simple future tense ( do, wash, wash).
  • In the imperative mood ( fix, hide). Exception: lie down, lie down.

e is not written

  • in the form of 3 l. units h. present or simple future tense ( washes, done).

Spelling of verb suffixes

  • -T suffix of the indefinite form of the verb ( groin be, drinking be, build be, breathing be ).
  • -L past tense suffix ( hear - hearing l, read - read l ).
  • -NU-, -A-, -I-, -I- invariable verb suffixes (deaf Well th, works A th,ve I th, then I th,ka I tsya, la I th,lele I dark I tsya,hope I tsya, re I th,se I th, that I th, cha I th,chu I th, stro And th,one hundred And th, double And th, morning And th, glue And be).
  • -OVA-/-EVA- are written in goals, which in 1 person unit. numbers end in-UYU, -YUU (commands wowcommands ova th, in yuyu - during Eve t).
  • -YVA-/-IVA- are written in goals, which in 1 person unit. numbers ending in -IWAY, -WOW (late I am late yva th, crust ivayu crust willow be).
  • -E/TH in verbs withprefix OBES-/OBES written in Neperwalking verbs withprefix OBES-/ OBES-, denoteaction, deputy whipped on the subject itself ( obes forces e be from fatigue obes shelter e be (to myself)).
  • -I/T in verbs withprefix OBES-/O WITHOUT- written in pen walking verbs withprefix OBES-/ OBES-, denoted taking an action directed at someone else ( obes forces And be the enemy,obes shelter And th (someone another)).

What form are verbs in dictionaries? Of course, in the initial or indefinite form, which is otherwise called the infinitive. In this article, you can get acquainted with the morphological features of the infinitive, the ways of its formation. Each rule is illustrated with examples.

What is the indefinite form of the verb (infinitive)

Infinitive- This initial form of the verb, from which other forms of verbs are formed (conjugated verbs, participles, gerunds). It is in the infinitive that verbs are presented in dictionaries (for example: lie, rest, work, see, study).

The infinitive is also called the indefinite form of the verb. The rule of the Russian language explains this by the fact that this form names an action, process or state, regardless of when, by whom and how this action, process or state is carried out.

In a sentence, verbs in the infinitive form can be part of a compound predicate, predicate and subject, in rare cases, a definition, object or circumstance.

Morphological features of the infinitive

The infinitive is the invariable, non-conjugated form of the verb. It has only constant grammatical features of verbs:

TOP 3 articleswho read along with this

148. Read the phrases. Write off.

  1. I read a fairy tale, played chess, repeat the rule, listened to the radio.
  2. Read a fairy tale, play chess, repeat the rule, listen to the radio.
  • Compare the verbs in the phrases of the first and second groups. What verbs have tense? Specify their time.
  • Name and underline the verbs for which you could not determine the tense. Ask a question for each of these verbs.

149. Read. Explain the meaning of the proverbs.

1. To live life is not a field to go over. 2. It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. 3. Easy to find friends, but hard to keep.

  • Write off. Underline the verbs. Is it possible to determine their time and number? Ask a question for each verb.
  • What is the name of the form of the verb that answers the question what to do? what to do?

best e

150. Read the poem 3. Alexandrova.

      Thunder struck two .. over .. times
      And froze in st..r..not.
      Nature separate .. la order
      With .. to rage in the spring.
      Order - h .. ryomukh .. color .. sti,
      Nettles .. be not evil,
      Rain d .. horns support .. sti
      Silver m..tloy.
      ... And so .. nzu - get out from behind the clouds
      And in .. more warmly!

  • Write by inserting the missing letters. Underline the verbs in the indefinite form. Highlight their suffixes -ty, -ty.

151. Read. Explain what part of speech the underlined words are.

Distance in two hundred k..l..meters, go in b..bl...teku, lead from the city of Zeta, lead arm, flattery harmful, el..ktrich..sky oven, oven p..horns, p..be able comrade, boyar know, know ru ... cue language.

  • Write by inserting the missing letters. Write the part of speech above each underlined word.

Note! Indefinite verbs can end in -ch: protect, guard; -whose is not a suffix, but part of the root.

After the letter h verbs in the indefinite form have a soft sign ( b): burn, shear, reach. Remember the spelling of these verbs: burn, lay down, cut.

R A sst O yang And e

152. Read.

1. Every person must love your country. 2. Always in life necessary act according to conscience. 3. We obliged love and respect our family and friends. 4. It is forbidden It's disrespectful to talk about your comrades. 5. During a performance in the theater need to keep silent to the audience could follow the performance.

  • Put the question from the underlined words to the verbs in the indefinite form.
  • Write out the verb in the indefinite form from each sentence along with the underlined word.

Sample. Gotta love, ... .

153. Make up some traffic rules. Use indefinite verbs in sentences to show that the actions they express apply to each person.

  • Write down 1-2 rules.

154. Read.

  1. Winnow - dispel, melt - ..., sow - ..., teach - ..., draw - ....
  2. Ignite - ignite, decide - ..., quit - ..., offend - ..., unravel - ....
  • Choose for each verb of the first group a single-root verb that answers the question what to do? Write down word pairs.
  • Choose for each verb of the second group a single-root verb that answers the question what to do? Write down word pairs.

155. Read prefixes and verbs.

on-, at-, for-, under-, s-, from-, about-,
before-, in-, -u, you-, re-, pro-, in-

talk, think, lead, walk, write, read

  • Form single-root verbs from each verb using prefixes.
  • Which (or which) of these verbs can be used with each of these prefixes?
  • Write down any of the verbs with the prefixes with which it can be used.
  • Orally compose a sentence with any verb you have formed.

Note! Before the suffix -t verbs in the indefinite form can have verbal suffixes -e-, -i-, -a-, -i-, -yva-, -iva-, -ova-, -eva-, -well-:

156. Read. What part of speech is each word?

Way .. marches ..e - to travel, sv..roken, p..trouble, black..ry, already..n, r..sun..k, s..lyut, zh. .seda, r..bota, b..gaty, ob..rona.

  • Pick up and write next to each word a single-root verb in an indefinite form. Insert the missing letters. Highlight the suffixes in the verbs.

Note! To find the stem of a verb that is in the indefinite form, you need to drop the suffix -th or -ti.

The morphology of the Russian language is multifaceted and interesting. It studies the features of parts of speech, their permanent and variable features. The article discusses verbs-infinitives in detail.


Not everyone knows what an infinitive is. in its original form. It represents the verb in dictionaries. For example, in the explanatory dictionary there is no verb dating, since this is a personal form, the dictionary entry is devoted to the same verb, but in the initial form - meet. You can put the verb in this form by asking the question what to do? or what to do?: dating - what to do? meet, draw - what to do? draw, call back - what to do? call back. The infinitive differs from other verb forms not only in a question. Suffixes of infinitives (verbs in the initial form) are special: -t, -ti, -ch. Therefore, the analyzed word is an infinitive if the verb has such morphemes.

The verb and its indefinite form

Pupils and students who are especially keen on learning the Russian language are concerned about the question of why the infinitive is called the indefinite form of the verb. Firstly, the very word "infinitive" goes back to the Latin word, which translates as "indefinite". Secondly, the form of the verb is not determined by the infinitive, more precisely, its personal form, the form of tense, mood, gender, number, and so on. The infinitive determines the constant features of the verb, such as aspect, conjugation, reflexivity and transitivity. They will be discussed below.

Invariable signs of the verb

When performing, it is required to designate its signs. Permanent signs are indicated by the indefinite form of the verb.

View is a part-time category that reflects the relation of an action to its internal limit: completed / happening. Infinitive verbs that answer a question what to do? look perfect: say, prepare, leave. Verbs in the initial form that answer the question what to do? are imperfect: talk, cook, go. Species pairs are distinguished, that is, words with the same meaning, but of a different type: decide - decide, say - speak, sew up - sew up, bake - bake.

Traditionally defined by the initial form. The 2nd conjugation includes those that end in -it(exception shave, lay, build), and verbs hold, drive, see, watch, hear, breathe, hate, endure, offend, twirl, depend; to the first - all other verbs. The conjugation of not all verbs can be determined by the infinitive. A class is distinguished which, when changed, combine the endings of 1 and 2 conjugations. These are the words give, eat, run, want.

Transitivity is the next constant feature. Infinitive verbs that can govern a noun in the accusative case are called transitive, and those that cannot are intransitive. For example, sew on (what?) a button, record (what?) a film, draw (who?) a child- transitional; be surprised, call, shoot are not used with the accusative case, that is, intransitive.

Reflexive are those verbs that have the postfix -sya: build, wash, make a reservation. Irreversible - those who do not have this affix.

Question about the morpheme

Indicators of the initial form of the verb - morphemes -t, -ti, -ch - cause discussions among linguists. Many define them as endings, referring to their ability to change: say - said, indicate - indicated. However, the infinitive is considered an invariable form, so it should not have endings. An increasingly common version is that the morphemes denoting the infinitive are inflectional suffixes.

Impersonal form of the verb

Infinitives refer to the impersonal forms of the verb. This is due to the fact that this is an invariable form in which the person, gender, number are not determined. Infinitives do not carry nouns in the nominative case, unlike personal forms. They only name the action without its relation to the person. The infinitive is also not associated with the category of time, which is determined by personal forms. Their inclination is also indeterminate. That is, the infinitive is unreal, it is out of time, it only names the action. Some students ask the question of what is the dependence of the infinitive on the verb. An infinitive is, in a different way, a verb in its initial form.

In Russian grammar, other non-personal forms are also distinguished - these are participles and participles. They, like the infinitive, do not change in faces. A gerund is such an invariable form of a verb that combines the features of an adverb and a verb and answers the question having done what? doing what?: reading, publishing, pointing, humming. The participle is such a form of the verb that denotes a sign by action, combines the signs of an adjective and a verb, answers the questions of adjectives: Which? surrounded, acting, watching, forgotten.

The role of the infinitive in a sentence

The peculiarity of the indefinite form of the verb is that it can play the role of any member in the sentence. Quite often subject Examples: Seeking the truth in everything was her goal in itself. To appreciate the work of others is worthy. It's useless to talk to him. Denoting an action, the infinitive plays the role of a predicate: You will not see rest! Don't understand him. She is unrecognizable. Often it comes in following the auxiliary verb: The family wanted to stay here for a month. Lena started working immediately after her appointment. He stopped joking after receiving the remark.

Minor members of the sentence can also be expressed in the indefinite form of the verb. So, the infinitive plays the role of an object in sentences: The captain gave the order to advance. They agreed to meet. She quickly got used to work. The definition can be expressed in the infinitive: She had a desire to change the world for the better. He took the opportunity to leave. The hope of leaving by morning reassured them. The circumstance represented by the initial form of the verb: Vera was going to go to the sea. Volunteers stopped by the lake to feed the birds. Children come to her from all over the city.

Infinitives in folklore and fiction

Infinitives have long been used by the people in oral folk art, more precisely in proverbs. The indefinite form of the verb in them is necessary to create a generalization of the content: Promise less, sin less. To indulge a thief is to steal yourself. Not hard to do, but hard to come up with. In fiction, infinitive verbs are widely used. Examples: “Dense stump - I will be able to live”, “That’s why I called you - to find out”, “Let me come first”, “and no one cared about his worries, and so - just to talk”(Shukshin V.M. "Stoves-benches"); "No one wants to change... equilibrium","the habit of smilingin a way... slightly pulled aside the lower part of his... face","you could ask not to sprinkle it with crushed peanuts"(Iskander F.A. "Summer Day").