Influence on personality development. Factors influencing the formation of personality

The development of a person as a personality is not only a complex, but also a contradictory process that takes place under the influence of both external influences and internal forces that are characteristic of a person, which means the formation of him from a simply biological individual into a conscious being - a personality.

The interaction of heredity and environment in the development of a person plays an important role throughout his life.

External factors include, first of all, the natural and social environment surrounding a person, and biological, hereditary factors belong to internal ones.

But it acquires special importance during periods of the formation of the body: developmental psychology distinguishes five types of formation: embryonic, infant, child, adolescent and youthful. It was at this time that an intensive process of development of the organism and the formation of personality was observed. Petrovsky A.V. Age-related psychology. M. Enlightenment. 1973

Heredity determines what an organism can become, but a person develops under the simultaneous influence of both factors - heredity and environment.

Most scientists believe that human adaptation is carried out under the influence of two programs of heredity: biological and social. All signs and properties of any individual are the result of the interaction of his genotype and environment. Disagreement arises when it comes to the role of heredity and environment in the study of human mental abilities. Some believe that mental abilities are inherited genetically, others say that the development of mental abilities is determined by the influence of the social environment. It should be noted that each person is both a part of nature and a product of social development.

Zenkovsky V.V. In his work “The Tasks and Means of Education”, he proposed the following scheme of personality development factors:

  • 1. Heredity:
    • a) physical (talents, moral potential of parents, psychophysiological characteristics);
    • b) social;
    • c) spiritual;
  • 2. Wednesday:
    • a) social heredity(traditions);
    • b) social environment (circle of communication);
    • c) geographical environment.
  • 3. Parenting:
    • a) social;
    • b) activity (self-education). Zenkovsky V.V. Tasks and means of education // Russian school abroad. Historical experience of the 20s. M., 1995. S - 90

In the process of human development and the establishment of numerous contacts, the formation of his personality takes place, reflecting the social side of his development, his social essence.

The driving forces of human development are the contradictions between human needs arising under the influence of objective factors, ranging from simple physical, material needs to higher spiritual ones, and the means and possibilities for their satisfaction. These needs create motives for one or another type of activity aimed at satisfying them, encourage communication with people, search for means and sources to meet their needs.

Factors influencing human development can be controllable and uncontrollable.

Often, social processes and phenomena cannot be fully disclosed without involving knowledge about the mechanisms of individual and group behavior of people, the patterns of formation of stereotypes of behavior, habits, social attitudes and orientation, without studying moods, feelings, psychological climate, without analyzing moods, feelings, psychological climate, without analyzing such phenomena as imitation, suggestion, without studying the psychological properties and characteristics of the personality, its abilities, motives, character, interpersonal relationships. In various studies of social processes, the need arises to take into account psychological factors, and it becomes especially acute when the researcher moves from general laws to special global problems to private ones, from macroanalysis to microanalysis.

There are also psychological factors, which, of course, do not determine social processes; on the contrary, they themselves can be understood only on the basis of an analysis of these processes. But these factors, depending on the specific conditions, have either a positive or negative impact on certain events in the life of both society and the individual. Lomov B.F. Psychology in the system of scientific knowledge. Moscow: 1985, p.

In the process of development, the emerging personality is involved in various activities such as: gaming, labor, educational, sports, while entering into communication with parents, peers, strangers while displaying its inherent activity. This contributes to the acquisition of a person's personality of a certain social experience.

Despite the fact that the personality is mainly formed in the course of communication with other people, a number of such factors act on the process of personality formation: heredity, physical environment, cultural influence, social environment, individual experience.

* The first factor is heredity, since, first of all, the formation of personality is influenced by the genetic characteristics of the individual, received by him at birth. Hereditary traits are the basis for the formation of personality. Such hereditary qualities of an individual as abilities or physical qualities leave an imprint on his character, the way he perceives the world around him and evaluates other people. Biological heredity largely explains the individuality of the individual, its difference from other individuals, since there are no two identical individuals in terms of their biological heredity.

Biological heredity determines both the general thing that makes a person human, and the different thing that makes people so different both externally and internally. Heredity is understood as the transfer from parents to children of certain qualities and characteristics inherent in their genetic program.

Heredity also implies the formation of certain abilities for any field of activity on the basis of the natural inclinations of the child. According to the data of physiology and psychology, it is not ready-made abilities that are innate in a person, but only potential opportunities for their development, i.e. makings. The manifestation and development of a child's abilities largely depend on the conditions of his life, education and upbringing. A vivid manifestation of abilities is usually called giftedness, or talent.

The great role of heredity lies in the fact that by inheritance the child receives a human body, a human nervous system, a human brain and sensory organs. Body features, hair color, eye color, skin color are transmitted from parents to children - external factors that distinguish one person from another. Certain traits are inherited as well. nervous system, on the basis of which a certain type of nervous activity develops. Babansky Yu. K. Pedagogy. M., 1983. C - 60

* The second factor influencing the formation of a person's personality is the influence of the physical environment. Obviously, the natural environment that surrounds us constantly influences our behavior and participates in the formation of the human personality. For example, we associate the emergence of civilizations, tribes, and individual population groups with the influence of climate. People who grew up in different climates are different from each other. The most striking example of this is the comparison of the mountain inhabitants, the inhabitants of the steppes and the people inhabiting the jungle. Nature constantly influences us, and we must respond to this influence by changing our personality structure.

The search for a reasonable balance in the relationship between man and nature is impossible without understanding the relationship in which nature and society actually exist today, as well as the weight of each of these components. Mankind, despite all its present power and independence, is integral part and the continuation of the evolution of nature. Society is inextricably linked with it and is not able to exist and develop outside of nature, first of all, without the human environment. Influence natural environment on the life of society is especially pronounced in the sphere of production. All material production, which allowed a person to stand out from nature, is based in its basis on the natural component. Nature is the natural basis of human life and society as a whole. Man does not exist outside of nature, and cannot exist.

The interaction of society with nature has for a person not only utilitarian, industrial significance, but also health-improving, moral, aesthetic, scientific. Man not only "grows" out of nature, but, producing material values, at the same time "grows" into it. In addition, nature, among other things, has its own amazing charm, charm, which to a large extent makes a person an artist, a creator. In particular, from this creative attitude towards it, not least of all, a feeling of the Motherland, unity with their land, patriotism arises in this or that people.

Researchers of this problem have often been tempted to consider man primarily as a representative of a biological species, and society as a collection of individuals. Hence the main thing in their actions is the obedience to biological laws. At the same time, the social component in a person and in society was assigned a secondary role.

Some researchers have given the physical environment a crucial role in personality development.

Such scientists as the philosopher G.V. Plekhanov and historian L.N. Gumilyov in his theoretical developments form a good basis for ethnocentric, nationalistic consciousness, but they cannot but deny the decisive influence of the physical factor on the development of the individual.

* The third factor in the formation of a person's personality is considered to be the influence of culture. Every culture has a certain set social norms and shared values. This set is common to members of a given society or social group. For this reason, members of every culture must be tolerant of these norms and value systems. In this regard, the concept of a modal personality arises, embodying those general cultural values ​​that society instills in its members in the course of cultural experience. Thus, modern society, with the help of culture, seeks to form social personality, easily going to social contacts, ready for cooperation. The absence of such standards puts a person in a position of cultural uncertainty, when he does not master the basic cultural norms of society.

The well-known sociologist Pitirim Sorokin, in a work published back in 1928, summarized the theories of many scientists - from Confucius, Aristotle, Hippocrates to the contemporary geographer Elliot Huntington, according to which group differences in the behavior of individuals are mainly determined by differences in climate, geographical features and natural resources. Sorokin PA Sociological theories of modernity. Per. and foreword. S. V. Karpushina M .: INION, 1992. C - 193

Indeed, in similar physical and geographical conditions formed different types personalities, and, conversely, it often happens that similar group characteristics of personalities develop in different conditions environment. In this regard, it can be said that the physical environment can influence the cultural characteristics of a social group, but its influence on the formation of an individual personality is insignificant and incomparable with the influence of the culture of the group, group or individual experience on the personality.

* The fourth factor that forms a person's personality is the influence of the social environment. It should be recognized that this factor can be considered the main one in the process of forming the personal qualities of an individual. The influence of the social environment is carried out through the process of socialization.

Socialization is a process by which an individual learns the norms of his group in such a way that through the formation of his own I, the uniqueness of this individual or personality is manifested. The socialization of the individual can take various forms. For example, socialization is observed through imitation, taking into account the reactions of other people, generalization of different forms of behavior. Socialization can be primary, that is, taking place in primary groups, and secondary, that is, taking place in organizations and social institutions. Unsuccessful socialization of the individual to group cultural norms can lead to conflicts and social deviations.

The socialization of a person modern world, having more or less obvious features in a particular society, in each of them has a number of common or similar characteristics.

Andreeva G.M. and Lomov B.F. believe that socialization has a 2-sided character and the essential meaning of socialization is revealed at the intersection of its processes such as adaptation, integration, self-development and self-realization. Andreeva G.M., Social Psychology M.: Nauka, 1994 C-43

Understanding the process of assimilation of social norms, skills, stereotypes, the formation of social attitudes and beliefs, teaching the norms of behavior and communication accepted in society, life style options, joining groups and interacting with their members as socialization makes sense if the individual is initially understood as a non-social being, and his non-social nature must be overcome in the process of education in society, not without resistance. In other cases, the term "socialization" in relation to the social development of the individual is redundant. The concept of "sociality" does not replace and does not replace the well-known in pedagogy and in educational psychology concepts of training and education.

There are the following stages of socialization:

  • 1. Primary socialization, or stage of adaptation (from birth to adolescence, the child learns social experience uncritically, adapts, adapts, imitates).
  • 2. The stage of individualization (there is a desire to distinguish oneself from others, a critical attitude to social norms of behavior). AT adolescence the stage of individualization, self-determination "the world and I" is characterized as an intermediate socialization, since it is still unstable in the outlook and character of a teenager. Adolescence (18-25 years) is characterized as a stable conceptual socialization, when stable personality traits are developed.
  • 3. Stage of integration (there is a desire to find one's place in society, "fit" into society). Integration goes well if the properties of a person are accepted by the group, society.

If not accepted, the following outcomes are possible:

  • - preservation of one's dissimilarity and the emergence of aggressive interactions (relationships) with people and society;
  • - change yourself, "to become like everyone else";
  • - conformism, external conciliation, adaptation.
  • 4. The labor stage of socialization covers the entire period of a person's maturity, the entire period of his labor activity, when a person not only assimilates social experience, but also reproduces it through the active influence of a person on the environment through his activity.
  • 5. The post-labor stage of socialization considers old age as an age that makes a significant contribution to the reproduction of social experience, to the process of transferring it to new generations. Stolyarenko L.D., Samygin S.I. 100 Exam answers in psychology Rostov-on-Don. Publishing Center "March", 2001
  • * The fifth factor shaping the personality of an individual in modern society should be considered individual human experience. The essence of the impact of this factor lies in the fact that each person finds himself in different situations, during which he is influenced by other people and the physical environment.

The totality of the results of knowledge accumulated by the individual, obtained in personal practice, personal experience the implementation of previously performed operations, actions, activities and elements of the objective experience of mankind assimilated by the individual.

In this case, genetically transmitted innate instincts and individual experience accumulated in the course of one's life are used. The accumulation of such experience occurs under the influence of external circumstances.

A person accumulates individual experience, however, unlike animals, a new original individual experience of a particular person can be preserved even after his death in oral stories, in objects created by man, in verbal and non-verbal documents, using which people of the next generations get rid of the need to repeat knowledge, carried out by predecessors. Unlike animals, achievements in the development of a species are fixed not so much genetically as in the form of material and spiritual culture. "This special shape consolidation and transmission of achievements in development to subsequent generations arose due to the fact that, unlike the activities of animals, the activities of people are creative, productive. This is, first of all, the main human activity - work. Domestic psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin emphasized: “You need to be born with human brain in order to become human, but for human development need for communication, training, education. This is determined by the social nature of human development. Vygotsky L.S. Psychology of human development Moscow 2005 C-71

The following stages of development-self-development can be distinguished:

  • - spontaneous self-development in the process of mastering the skills of self-service in everyday life under the guidance and with the help of a close adult;
  • - spontaneous self-development in the process of jointly divided household, play, labor and other activities with both adults and children;
  • - conscious self-development in role play and in the implementation of all kinds of hobbies;
  • - conscious self-development in mature creativity and self-creation; formation of a worldview system (picture of the world) based on the emotional and motivational preferences that emerged at the previous stages.

The remaining social relations become possible and significant for the individual only after he has assimilated (made his own) those elements of the objective experience of mankind in which these relations are embodied.

Subsequence various situations influencing the formation and development of the personality, is unique for each person and he is guided by future events, based on the positive and negative perception of past situations. A unique individual experience is one of the most significant factors in the formation of a person's personality.

The personal qualities of a person are manifested exclusively during socialization, that is, in the process of carrying out common activities with other individuals. In another case, the improvement of his spiritual, mental and spiritual self-development is impossible. In addition, during socialization, the formation of the environment of each person occurs.

The real reality in which the individual develops is called the environment. In addition, various external circumstances influence the improvement of the personality: family, social, school and geographical. Scientists, talking about the impact of the environment on the formation of personality, in most cases have in mind the home and social microclimate. The first factor corresponds to the immediate environment (family, acquaintances, relatives, etc.), and the second to the distant one (material well-being, political system in the country, interactions in society, etc.).

A great influence on the self-improvement of a person, starting from his very birth, has a home environment. It is there that the first and most important years, necessary for the formation of a person, pass. Family relationships define interests, needs, values ​​and views on certain situations. In addition, there are laid the initial conditions for improving the personal qualities of each individual.

The process of interaction between a person and his environment is called socialization. This term appeared in American psychology and originally implied the relationship by which the individual adapted to his environment. Based on this, adaptation is the initial component of socialization.

The main goal of society is to maintain the social environment in an optimal state. At the same time, it constantly forms stereotypes and standards, which it tries to maintain at the proper level. In order for a person to develop normally, it is necessary to adhere to these rules, since, otherwise, the process of socialization can develop for a very long time or completely stop. However, thanks to the principles of freedom and independence initially laid down in each person, each individual should form his own opinion on any situation. Thus, individuality is formed, which is the main driving factor in the development of both each individual and the whole society.

As a result, the full disclosure of the concept of socialization occurs in the totality of the following factors: independent regulation, adaptation, development, integration, as well as dialectical unity. The more these components influence the individual, the faster he becomes a person.

Socialization consists of several stages, during which certain tasks are solved. Modern psychology divides these stages, depending on the participation of the individual in labor activity, as well as on how he relates to it.

Factors Influencing Personal Improvement

In sociology, factors are usually called certain circumstances that create favorable conditions for socialization. A.V. Mudrik formulated the basic principles and identified four stages of specialization:

  • microfactors - social conditions that affect each, without exception, personality: family, home atmosphere, a group of peers in a technical school or university, various organizations in which an individual learns and interacts with an environment similar to him;
  • mesofactors (or intermediate factors) - are determined by a broader social atmosphere, i.e., with the place where each individual lives at the moment: village, city, district, region, etc. In addition, differences can be by belonging to any subculture (group, sect, party, etc.) as well as to the means of obtaining information (television, Internet, etc.);
  • macro factors - have an impact on significant human groups that occupy certain territory on a scale: planets, countries, states, etc. Moreover, some factors can be inherited from previous factors.
    - megafactors (or the largest) - imply factors in the largest representations: the world, the planet, the universe, etc. Also, in some cases, it can be considered in relation to the population of the earth living in vast areas (countries, continents, etc.) .).

If we compare all these components, then most of all the development of personality is influenced by microfactors. With their help, the process of interaction occurs through the so-called agents of socialization. These include those persons with whom each particular person interacts. Depending on his age, agents can be completely different people. For example, for children, these are the closest relatives (parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents), neighbors, acquaintances, friends, etc. In youth and youth, the main agents of socialization are: spouses, study and work colleagues, colleagues in the army . In adulthood and old age, the addition of their own children, grandchildren, etc. occurs. At the same time, most agents can move from category to category starting from a very early age.

How is the human environment formed?

Each person tries to form around himself such an environment that would in every possible way contribute to his development and self-improvement. At the same time, he should not feel constrained and restless. After all, everyone understands that it is much easier to develop in an environment where all other people also strive to improve and improve their lives.

According to the conclusions of scientists, the influence of the environment on each individual person is almost imperceptible, but it has a very powerful effect. Therefore, it is necessary to try to form an environment around yourself exclusively from successful and interesting people.
To form a successful environment, the following principles must be followed:

  1. Always look for opportunities to meet and chat with interesting and successful people. When talking with them, you can always learn some important and necessary information. However, it should be remembered that you yourself must be something interesting to this person.
  2. Study the work of interesting people. It can be an autobiography, a book, video or audio materials. From them you can learn a lot of useful things for yourself.
  3. Develop diversified. This includes various habits and hobbies: outdoor morning workouts, yoga classes, trainings, seminars, etc. At such events, it is very common to meet like-minded people and form a successful environment.

Creating an environment means constantly working on improving yourself, at every moment in time and in any area.

For self-improvement, it is necessary to set more complex tasks and goals for yourself each time. Depending on age and social status, they can be completely different, but the main factor must remain unchanged, that any activity must be aimed at improving the individual as a person.

There are two main theories about how environment influences personality development. According to one of them, a person is initially born with a program embedded in him, which forms his abilities and character. On the other hand, it is the environment of a person that forms the personality of each individual person.

If a person takes a look at his surroundings, then he will be able to identify certain patterns, i.e. all these people will be approximately the same social status, education, and have common interests. Thus, it will also match all of these parameters. And if an individual wants to change his life and improve it in some way, then the first thing to do is to change his environment. After all, it will be very difficult or almost impossible to reach your goal in an environment where they don’t believe in you.

There is a good example in our history - Mikhail Lomonosov. As a young man, he had a strong thirst for knowledge. However, in the environment in which he was initially, the boy could not acquire the necessary skills and abilities. So he made a very difficult choice. The young man not only changed his environment, but also his place of residence, leaving for an unfamiliar city. Being completely alone, he did not give up, but, on the contrary, got stronger and revealed himself as a gifted and talented person.

On the other hand, at present, there are a lot of reverse examples. Many young people born in major cities who have received an excellent education and work, become the usual "gray" mass. They have no interests, exist only for one day and are ordinary life-seekers.

From all this we can conclude that the environment always influences the formation and development of personality. Sometimes to a greater extent, sometimes to a lesser extent. Its influence on children is especially strong, therefore main goal parents is to help form a circle of friends and acquaintances with their child, as well as show some principles on own example. An adult needs to identify for himself the priorities of his future life and, based on them, form the necessary and successful environment around him.

        environmental factors (family, cultural factors)

        genetic (indirectly at a certain stage)

        climatic conditions and food style

        random factors (10)

The basis of personal knowledge, and hence the formation of a person as a person, are mental processes: sensation, perception, representation, thinking, imagination, attention, memory, emotions, feelings, will. Sometimes speech is added to this list.

The entire set of these mental processes in the literature is often divided into groups;

1. Cognitive (sensation, perception, representation, thinking, imagination, attention).

2. Mnemic (memory).

3. Emotional-volitional (emotions, feelings, will) (5).

The main factors of personality development

What reasons influence the development of personality, lead to its decline, and what reasons contribute to its development? The development of personality is influenced by surrounding nature(habitat). Here we can cite the undeniable fact that a temperate climate for the development of personality is more favorable than the harsh climate of the north and the hot climate of the tropics.

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute, along with the climate, the importance of other meteorological as well as geographic conditions. The great deserts, unsuitable for human life, and all those areas where a person has to expend a lot of strength and energy to fight the surrounding nature, do not favor the development of the individual. In the same way, unfavorable soil and meteorological conditions, characterized by the endemic development of certain general diseases, cannot but have a detrimental effect on the development of the personality, worsening the physical health of the organism.

The first and main condition for the correct development of the personality is the nature of the organism, the heritage of its fathers, or those anthropological features that form the basis for the development of the personality.

Hardly anyone can doubt meaning of race in the said respect. The best example is the fact that, of the three human races, the black, despite its large number, has not reached the same degree of cultural development as the other two races.

Another example of influence anthropological features The peoples of ancient Hellas, who reached an amazing culture and no less amazing development of personality, and then perished due to special historical conditions, are on the development of personality. Despite the fact that the same geographical conditions remained as in Greece and in past centuries, despite the fact that the center of civilization still remains, as before, on the mainland of Europe, the Greeks of our time, due to the new anthropological features they acquired during the period of long slavery, apparently, they do not promise to become a great people, as they undoubtedly were in antiquity.

Another factor influencing the development of personality deserves no less attention. It - biological factor, associated with the conditions of conception and development of the human body.

In any case, it is impossible not to take into account the fact that only the harmonious development of the body and spirit ensures the correct perfection of the personality. If physical development is naturally weak, if a person from an early age is exposed to physical hardships and a whole series of general infectious diseases, especially with a protracted course, if at the same time he develops such general painful lesions rooted in insufficient and malnutrition of the body, such as anemia, scrofula, rickets and others, then the full flowering of the personality will be delayed to some extent.

Personal development has a significant impact unfavorable economic conditions, leading consistently to a physical weakening of the body, undermining the nutrition of the body at the root and disrupting the proper development of the brain, and hence the personality.

Further, an important factor leading to the development of personality is social activity. Where not social activities, there is no full development of personality. Without social activity, a person stops at a certain stage of his development; it is a passive member of society, deprived of that initiative which serves as a guarantee for the normal development of social life and the stable development of statehood. Peoples in which social activity is absent or poorly developed prepare in their midst less developed and more passive personalities in comparison with other peoples, which in the end is reflected in all branches of culture.

To this it must be added that the natural consequence of the absence of a properly organized social activity in the form of self-government is idleness and inactivity, which in this case finds especially favorable conditions mainly in the better-off classes of society. Meanwhile, idleness, whatever its cause, naturally leads to a decrease in mental performance, to an irreplaceable loss of mental material during inactivity, to an insufficient improvement in neuropsychic mechanisms, which, among other things, is also proved by psychometric studies. Also, idleness leads to moral and physical degeneration, especially if its natural companions join it - alcoholism, drug addiction, depraved deeds and other excesses. Gradually there is a degradation of the personality.

No less attention in terms of personal development deserve education and training.

Just as correct physical nourishment is necessary for the correct development of the body, so spiritual nourishment is necessary for mental development, leading to the development of the personality. It is clear that correct upbringing and training constitute an essential basis for the integral development of the personality.

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that the foundations of the future personality are formed at preschool age, and, consequently, correct and rational education must begin from the first days of a person's life. Otherwise, there may be significant changes in the character of the individual, his worldview (due to certain conditions), which in the future may negatively affect both the person himself and the people around him.

Also, an important role in the formation of personality is played by the correct direction of mental development. Since ignorance and lack of education leads to underdevelopment of the individual.

Education is understood as the purposeful development of each growing person as a unique human individuality, ensuring the growth and improvement of the moral and creative forces of this person.

The real basis of the personality is that particular structure of the subject's integral activities, which arises at a certain stage in the development of his human ties with the world.

Personality formation involves the development goal formation process and, accordingly, the development of the subject's actions. Actions, becoming more and more enriched, seem to outgrow the range of activities that they implement, and come into conflict with the motives that gave rise to them. As a result, there is a shift of motives to goals, a change in their hierarchy and the birth of new motives - new types of activity; former goals are psychologically discredited, and the actions that respond to them either cease to exist altogether or turn into impersonal operations.

Of course, the formation of personality is a continuous process, consisting of a number of successively changing stages, the qualitative features of which depend on specific conditions and circumstances.

Personality as a social individual always fulfills a certain set of public functions. Each of these functions is carried out through a kind of social behavior, is built in the form of well-known behavioral procedures and the motivations that determine them. These procedures, motives and social functions of the individual as a whole are determined by the norms of morality, law and other phenomena of social development. Any human activity is carried out in a system of object-subject relations, that is, social connections and relationships that form a person as a social being - a person, subject and object of the historical process.

Of the numerous, including not yet fully resolved, issues of personality development, we will focus on one problem that is important both from a philosophical and from a concrete scientific point of view, namely the problem driving force human development. In the process of development, the blind forces of attraction of the organism are transformed into perceived needs, instinctive adaptation to nature and the social environment is becoming more and more conscious and planned, including not only adaptation to reality, but also its transformation.

It is known that development is a constant struggle of opposites, which are at each given moment in a certain temporal unity.

Since a person reflects and expresses social relations, he is not independent in his behavior and activities. Being an object, a person is at the same time a subject of knowledge and practice. The degree of independence, of course, varies from person to person. First of all, it depends on the history of their development, on the political, economic and socio-pedagogical conditions, as well as on the level that a person has reached in the process of development. Independence- one of the most important prerequisites for the correct formation of personality.

Social conditions form the personality as a system of relations. They determine both the content of the personality and its structure and form.

The formation of a person as a person requires from society a constant and consciously organized improvement of the system of public education, overcoming stagnant, traditional, spontaneously formed forms.

Form of personality characterize the features of the way it implements its content, its relations. Decisiveness or indecision, courage or cowardice, constancy or instability, firmness or pliability, integrity or inconsistency, harmony or internal inconsistency - all these are external manifestations, form, the ratio of various components of the content of the personality.

The formation of a person as a person is associated with a relatively high level of neuropsychic development, which is a necessary internal condition for this formation.

Personal development is, first of all, its social development. Social development leads to mental development. But this latter has a strong influence on the social development of the psyche, prepares and anticipates the future social development of the individual, and determines its usefulness.

Personality - multifaceted, multi-level, multi-qualitative education. Part of her mental life takes place at an unconscious level, at the level of the free flow of associations, spontaneously formed impulses, involuntary “movements of the soul”, etc. more acts as a subject not only of his behavior, but also of his inner world, his mental life. The main characteristic of the subject is a person's experience of himself as a sovereign source of activity, capable of deliberately carrying out changes in the surrounding world and himself within certain limits.

Usually, the formation of personality is attributed to the later periods of a person's life - youth, adulthood, sometimes to preschool age. However, the personality is not just detected at a certain stage of human development, but is built gradually, so it is necessary to look for its origins at the earliest stages. ontogeny.

Soon after the birth of a child, events take place that are important for the formation of his future personality: the formation of communication in the course of contacts with the immediate environment. Communication is directly related to the development of the personality of children because, even in its original directly emotional form, it leads to the establishment of connections between the child and the people around him and turns out to be the first component of that ensemble. public relations which is the essence of personality.

When highlighting the concept of “individual” in personality psychology, first of all, they answer the question of how this person is similar to all other people, that is, they indicate what unites this person with the human species. The concept of “individual” should not be confused with the concept of “individuality”, which is opposite in meaning, with the help of which an answer is given to the question of how this person differs from all other people. “Individual” means something integral, indivisible. Describing “personality”, they also mean “integrity”, but one that is born in society. An individual is born, but a person becomes. (A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein)

In the development of personality, there are three following points: individual properties of a person as a prerequisite for the development of a personality, a socio-historical way of life as a source of personality development and joint activity as a basis for the realization of a person's life in the system of social relations. Behind each of these moments are different and still insufficiently correlated areas of personality study.

Formation and development of personality determined by the totality of the conditions of social existence in a given historical epoch. Personality is the object of many economic, political, legal, moral and other influences on a person of society at the moment of his historical development, therefore, at a given stage of development of a given socio-economic formation, in a certain country with its national composition.

The development of personality is the process of formation of increasingly complex, enriching, deepening connections with reality, the accumulation in the brain of the potential for actions and experiences. Personal development is the development of the psyche, which means that it is the development and complication of mental processes and the accumulation of experience - mental potential. Experience is carried out in the form of accumulation:




    §one. Factors affecting personality development

    §2. Biological factors. Heredity

    §3. social factors. Wednesday

    3.1 Socialization

    3.2 Identification as one of the mechanisms of socialization

    §four. Psychological characteristics of personality

    4.1 Socially psychological characteristics personalities

    4.2 Motivation of personality behavior

    4.3 Psychological attitudes

    4.4 Value orientations, interests, ideals

    §5. social factors. Upbringing




    How does the formation of a personality take place, how does it develop, how a personality is born from “non-personality” or “yet non-personality”. A baby, obviously, cannot be a person. An adult, no doubt, a person. How and where did this transition, transformation, leap to a new quality take place? This process is gradual; step by step we are moving forward towards becoming a person. Is there any regularity in this movement or is it all purely random?

    Social origin and class position have an enormous influence on life path individual, starting from the pace of physical maturation and ending with the content of the worldview. There is, perhaps, not a single one that is somehow complicated personal quality, which would not depend on social class and environmental factors: social origin, occupation and level of education of parents; features of the socio-ecological environment, in particular the type locality (Big city, small town, village); composition, structure and financial situation family, his own social status and type of occupation (schoolchild, vocational school student, technical school student, university student, etc.). Hence the need to study the problems of adolescence by representatives of various sciences: sociology, psychology, pedagogy, criminology, psychiatry, medicine, etc.

    The subject of this study is to identify factors influencing the development of personality. The word "personality" is used only in relation to a person, and, moreover, starting only from a certain stage of his development. We do not say "personality of the newborn", understanding it as an individual. We do not seriously talk about the personality of even a two-year-old child, although he has acquired a lot from the social environment. Therefore, personality is not a product of the intersection of biological and social factors. Split personality is by no means a figurative expression, but real fact. But the expression "dividing the individual" is nonsense, a contradiction in terms. Both are integrity, but different. A personality, unlike an individual, is not an integrity determined by a genotype: one is not born a personality, one becomes a personality. Personality is a relatively late product of the socio-historical and ontogenetic development of a person.

    The purpose of the work is to determine the essence and causes of certain changes in the personality; drafting general idea about the sociological concept of "personality"; disclosure of sociological concepts of personality development, etc.

    The tasks are: the need to establish the factors influencing the development of the individual and to explore their social nature; you need to understand those factors that influence to a greater or lesser extent the personality, its development.

    personality development behavior upbringing

    “We are constantly learning new things about ourselves. Year after year, something is revealed that we did not know before. Every time it seems to us that now our discoveries have come to an end, but this will never happen. We continue to discover in ourselves this and that, sometimes experiencing upheavals. This suggests that there is always a part of our personality that is still unconscious, that is still in the making. We are incomplete; we grow and change. Although the future personality that we will once be is already present in us, it just remains in the shadows for now. It's like a running frame in a movie. The future personality is not visible, but we are moving forward, where its outlines are about to begin to emerge. These are the potentials dark side ego. We know what we were, but we don’t know what we will become!”


    Just as essential to sociology as the analysis of the structure of society and social institutions, is the doctrine of personality.

    Speaking of a person, we can consider him as the highest level evolution on earth, and how complex system connecting natural and social, physical and spiritual, hereditary and life acquired. However, the most "sociological" will be the characterization of man as a product in the subject of social relations, socio-historical activity and culture.

    One might get the impression that the sociological characteristics of a person are not much different from the psychological, and even more so the socio-psychological. Indeed, they have a lot in common. Yes, it cannot be otherwise: after all, we are talking about the same object - a person. Is it possible to concretely study a personality, if we do not mean its value orientations, motives of behavior, interests? We think that the question sounds rhetorical. What then is the specificity of the sociological approach?

    In contrast to psychological analysis, when the individual in the individual is put forward in the first place, sociologists are interested in the socially typical, characterizing its inclusion in society, social groups, organizations and institutions. A sociologist examines a person from the point of view of his participation in economic life, that is, his attention is drawn to a person's labor activity (interest in work, its content, character, result, attitude to work, etc.). From point of view political life Sociology is primarily interested in the human citizen. The sociologist views the involvement of the individual in the spiritual life through the prism of culture (although in other cases the latter acts as a “measurement” of the individual). All this constitutes the conditions for the existence of an individual in society.

    In everyday and scientific language very often there are terms: "man", "individual", "individuality", "personality". Do they refer to the same phenomenon or are there any differences between them? Most often, these words are used as synonyms, but if you approach their definition strictly, you can find significant semantic shades. Man is the most general, generic concept. An individual is understood as a separate, specific person, as a single representative of the human race and his “first brick” (from Latin individ - indivisible, final). Individuality can be defined as the totality of traits that distinguish one individual from another, with distinctions being made on the most different levels– biochemical, neurophysiological, psychological, social, etc. the social principle is emphasized.

    An individual is always a member of a certain social community (whether he realizes it or not), which does not negate his individuality.

    Each person is an individual with his own special "face". The concept of personality is associated with this term (compare the old Russian word mask mask). An individual is a person insofar as, in relations with others like him, within the framework of specific social communities, he performs certain functions, implements socially significant properties and qualities in his activities. Therefore, the concept of personality, both in its nature, and in essence, and in character, seems to us primarily sociological, in contrast to the concepts of "man" and "individual", which have a socio-philosophical meaning.

    Each person develops his own, special value orientations, motives for behavior, social attitudes, interests, etc. But only by identifying among them typical, characteristic for most groups of people, one can detect the actions of certain tendencies, the presence of patterns, which in turn will allow the sociologist to make certain conclusions and issue recommendations of both a theoretical and practical nature.

    Each personality has a set of internal qualities, properties that make up its structure.

    Speaking of a person, most often they mean just a single specific person. But besides the concept of personality, we have at our disposal a number of related concepts: man, individual, individuality. In everyday speech, these concepts are often used in the same meaning, but in science they mean different things.

    The understanding of personality as a social phenomenon was substantiated in detail by Marx, who pointed out that “the essence of a “special personality” is not her beard, not her blood, not her abstract physical nature, but its social quality. This understanding underlies almost all the works of the Soviet psychological school, starting with L.S. Vygotsky and V.M. Bekhterev. "As a matter of fact personality traits from the whole variety of human properties, those that determine the socially significant behavior or activity of a person are usually distinguished, wrote S.L. Rubinstein. - Therefore, the main place in them is occupied by the system of motives and tasks that a person sets for himself, the properties of his character that determine the actions of people (that is, those of their actions that realize or express the relationship of a person to other people), and the abilities of a person, that is, properties, making it suitable for historically established forms of socially useful activity.

    According to L.S. Vygotsky and his followers, intra-psychological processes, i.e. internal processes human psyche, are formed on the basis of interpsychological, i.e., interpersonal, social processes. The main mechanism for the development of the human psyche is the assimilation of social, historically established types and forms of activity. These learned forms of activity, systems of signs, etc., are further transformed into internal processes of the personality. Thus, the "external" (in relation to the given individual) and its "internal" nature are connected both genetically and functionally.

    If alcoholics live in the next entrance and constantly invite you to drink and you spend a lot of time in their company, then sooner or later you will do what they ask you to do. . Whoever makes friends with fools will become corrupted. Great importance Reading books and music contribute to the formation of personality. Good food for the body brings health to a person, bad food brings disease. So is food for the soul and spirit: healthy, good - works of world classics in literature, cinema, music, form a healthy and beautiful person. "Classic" in translation means a role model; something worth emulating. If we read low-quality "fast-moving" books and listen to the same music, we pollute our soul, spirit and brain, degrade, and do not develop harmoniously. At any age, a person should think, reason, and not be like animals - eat, sleep and live in a warm "burrow". It also affects the formation of personality, determines what state your mind will be in in old age. If you do not constantly “move” your brains, insanity sets in with old age, a person degrades physically and intellectually. A person has the ability to learn everything that he sees and hears. And if he does not have a distinction between what is good and what is bad, he learns everything - both good and bad, that he meets on his path. The most vulnerable category of such students are children. 90% of information enters the brain through the eyes and 10% through the ears. Therefore, everything that children “swallow” through the TV (eyes + ears) is absorbed by 100%. And films and programs are now like a selection - violence, debauchery, horrors and murders. If a child, teenager and even an adult constantly watches such programs, then, naturally, they have a strong influence on the formation of their personality in this direction: a potential rapist, a robber, a sexual maniac grows up, a person devoid of compassion, cruel, incapable of love. A feature TV movie is a world of illusions where the viewer himself becomes a participant. Many teenagers have gone into the "world of illusions" also from spending too much time at the computer. Some of them could not be returned to the real world. Recently, in search of the Internet, I went to the slot machine hall. The hall was full of teenagers and everyone “shoots” at each other, often hit, “blood is shed”. Today it is movies or slot machines, but tomorrow it may become a reality of their lives.

    The conceived flesh gives birth to sin. Sin breeds death.

    What we mentally agreed to has already entered into our nature and will inevitably, as a result, result in an act. First thought, then action. Therefore, if our children watch all TV shows uncontrollably, this negatively affects the formation of their personality. What a person has learned mentally, he will want to try it in practice. What (whom) our children look at today - they will become tomorrow. More than one generation of people was brought up on folk tales: about Emelya the fool who rode the stove, about the self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, etc. What is the essence of them: be a fool, don't work, don't study and expect a miracle - suddenly it will fall down by itself?! Was it not from fairy tales and from the cradle that such thinking and attitude to laziness, lack of diligence were laid? Perhaps that is why we have low labor productivity and a low level of the economy. Instruct the young man at the beginning of his path: he will not deviate from it when he is old.

    It is very important to first decide for ourselves whether we ourselves know where and how to go in order to correctly instruct the children. People often have false ideas about what surrounds them, the essence of their lives. There is the only correct "measure", the criterion of our thoughts, deeds and actions, the correct guidelines and the truth itself - this is the Bible. As the famous Russian scientist and academician N.M. Amosov: “No other morality, neither socialist nor communist, can be compared with eternal morality. Eternal morality is only the preaching of Jesus Christ.” Someone may object: "This is old, written 2000 years ago and religious." But can truth and morality become outdated, for example, such as “Do not kill”, “Do not steal”, etc.? The builders of communism built communism on biblical principles, but without the most important thing - God. The constitutions of all countries that exist today are based on 10 biblical commandments. Another thing is that some people do not want or cannot fulfill them, because they loved the darkness more than the light. Therefore, the Bible is the most progressive and up-to-date book for correct orientation in this mad world.

    “The law of the Lord is perfect, it strengthens the soul; The revelation of the Lord is true, making the simple wise. The commandments of the Lord are righteous, gladden the heart; the commandment of the Lord is bright, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The judgments of the Lord are true, all are righteous; they are more desirable than gold and even a lot of pure gold, sweeter than honey and drops of honeycomb, and your servant is guarded by them.

    If you want to "stand on your feet", get the necessary "equipment" for life and properly instruct the children - this is the only island of safety in this stormy world. This is what will help you to form and take place as a holistic, harmonious, individual personality; reveal all the facets and talents, rediscover oneself and take place as a person in society.